About Us

Are you troubled by the small living space and too many items that are difficult to organize? Have you bought a lot of inappropriate storage tools because you want to organize your room, making it more difficult to organize your room?

Laay Zone is a supplier of home storage products from China, with absolute advantages in supply chain and logistics. We select high-quality, practical and cost-effective storage products for you to solve your whole-house storage problems. We have a variety of products of various styles, with nearly a hundred new models released every month to ensure that they can match different styles of home environments. We also provide professional pre-sales and after-sales consultation and services, making us your best partner for wholesale purchase.
  • If you are an entrepreneur or looking for a side job, our partnership model allows you to get goods in small quantities or even one piece, solving the problem of overstocking of inventory, allowing you to start a business with low risk, and increase your income. .
  • If you have needs for home storage and want to improve your living environment, we have carefully selected products for you and can provide some basic storage guidance.

Welcome to join us as a partner. If you have any questions, please feel free to communicate with us on wechat or whatsapp.

Our advantages

  • Supply from China mainland manufacturers, with guaranteed quality, more competitive prices, and sufficient and stable supply chain.
  • Minimum order is 1 piece for most products, 1 piece can be shipped and directly delivered to Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwan
  • New items uploaded every week, massive supply, rich styles
  • The first choice for organizer purchasing channels, overseas online merchants, micro-businesses, bloggers, live broadcasters, and group purchasers.
  • Join a wholesale partner to enjoy exclusive wholesale discounts, holiday gifts, etc.

Contact us

  • Email: leiya.yang@laayzone.com
  • FB page: Laay Zone
  • Ins: @laayzone
  • WhatsApp: +86 13823542642